The Band  

 Toyland / March of the Toys 

 New version in a
Rock, Progresive Rock
musical style

Sample One | Sample Two

Available Now at
Spotify - Apple Music
and other fine music outlets

YouTube Video


Toyland / March of the Toys
Victor Herbert

Toyland, toyland, little girl and boyland
While you dwell within it
You are ever happy there
Childhood joyland, mystic, merry toyland
Once you pass its borders
You can ne'er return again

Toyland, toyland, little girl and boyland
While you dwell within it
You are ever happy there
Childhood joyland, mystic, merry toyland
Once you pass its borders
You can ne'er return again


Alec Fuhrman - Guitar
Peter Penhallow - Keyboards
Rob Fordyce - Bass 
Charles Tapp - Drums, Vocals

Recorded at Rudolf Music
Produced by Christmas
Images from Dreamstime

© 2022 Rudolf Music BMI 


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Toyland YouTube Video  - Instagram Video


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