I never heard of the band and also haven't got any info on them, but what I do know is that CHRISTMAS is a very good band or should I say was, because this CDR I got is a live recording of a performance the band gave at a rehearsal studio in West Seattle on the 10th of June in 1979. The band consisted of vocalist/guitarist/bassist Bruce Hazen, vocalist/keyboardist Mark Robertson and vocalist/drummer Charles Tapp (who later became a member of TIMMY). The CDR contains 8 tracks and although it isn't a big production, still the music is from a high quality. The CD will officially be released in 2002, so you have to wait a month or two before you can buy a copy, but let me tell you more about the included music. CHRISTMAS played typical 70s Progressive Rock with some interesting Pomp influences, kinda like a mix between RUSH, TRIUMPH, AMERICAN TEARS and KANSAS. Opener "The opening/Chartles Cathedral" is a nice 70s typed classic progressive rocker. The first 6 minutes of the song are instrumental, with nice keyboardwork, and later with the lead vocals it turns out to be a pure 70s RUSH orientated rocker. Next track "The sun" is a good 70s progrocker. The song "Beautiful one" is an interesting Prog/Pomprocker (a la AMERICAN TEARS), with some great keys/synths (again). The best song follows, namely the classic Pomprocker "Mother Nature's son", a song like the Classic 70s era of KANSAS and STYX. Following track "Calling me" is a great uptempo Pomp/AOR song, in the same lines of the previous song, so again clear KANSAS and STYX influences, but I think fans of STARCASTLE and ROADMASTER will enjoy this tune a lot. "Carry on in style" is up next and is featured in two versions (second version is the demo version). The song itself is again a great Pomprocker a la STYX/KANSAS. The only song I haven't mentioned yet is the progressive hardrocker "Nicholas" (a la RUSH/TRIUMPH). The CD will be released soon, just keep your eye on
(Points: 8.0 out of 10) Strutterzine - The Netherlands